Find classes and events in Seattle

Seattle has a couple great options if you are interested in Kizomba group classes.

Frances Tee offers a monthly drop-in class the first Friday of every month at Century Ballroom before their monthly kizomba social (affectionately known amongst the locals as “Fly Friday.”)

There are weekly classes on offer as well (both series and a weekly pre-social drop-in) from Marietta Villalobos at Salsa con Todo studio during the week, and Sunday evenings at the Union Cultural Center.

You can also reach out and inquire about private instruction from either of them, or from JR Désiré or Rina Arai, our other local instructors, if you are interested. To find their contact information, and those of our local kizomba DJs click here.

The Kizomba Seattle Facebook group and Kizomba Seattle Instagram are also great resources if you are looking to connect with other dancers in the area. It is a mainstay of communication among members of the Seattle kizomba community.

Another excellent option is to attend the free weekly practica that happens every Monday. This event has been a staple in the Seattle kizomba scene for many years, and is a great place to try out your moves in a low-key, friendly, environment. To view the practica code of conduct, please click here.